[Who Let the Blogs Out is our way of saying, "Shit, missed this one when it was first posted. Here, read it a few months later!" So, with that, let Seapunk Historian regale you with his tale of MediEvil, a game that means more to him than just what's on the screen. Is there a blazin' hot blog that we missed the first time around? Suggest it to us at community@destructoid.com and we'll take a look at it! In the meantime, we'll try to lay off the booze. - Wes]
Everyone has that one game that holds a very special place in their heart. These games might be popular or obscure, new or old, but whatever they may be, everyone has one. For me, that game is MediEvil, a PS1 action-adventure title from 1998 that takes a lot of aesthetic and gameplay cues from Ghosts ’n Goblins. Maybe you’re familiar with it - the game sold well enough to eventually be re-released under Sony’s Platinum Hits banner - but most people I talk to have never heard of Sir Daniel Fortesque or the dark fantasy world of Gallowmere. With that in mind, I decided I ought to put my thoughts to paper and give a proper explanation of not only the game itself, but what it means to me.
via destructoid http://ift.tt/2vSVeZW