[Join the navi is a lie as he takes you down a brief but personal trip down memory lane, to a highly-cherished gaming memory that's shaped the way he looks at games. There's nothing like the support of your loved ones in your pursuits! How did he get his work Front Paged, you ask? Well, he wrote a blog, and we were like, "Yup," and he was like, "Nice." Easy as that! And don't forget to share your favorite gaming memories in the comments below! - Wes]
Hey guys. So to start this I figured I should say, the subject this blog is centered around is still alive. In fact I'm writing this right after visiting him. I was just feeling nostalgic and sappy and also really wanted to write. So, here is the story of when I played the original Legend of Zelda with my grandfather.
via destructoid http://ift.tt/2xmrcly