[If you ask Sony, they'll tell you that no one cares about backward compatibility. But Microsoft? This is one thing they get. Help Michael Griff talk about some hidden gems from the original Xbox that you'd like to play on your Xbox One...if you have one, that is. How did Michael find his work displayed for the Dtoid Front Page masses? He wrote a cool blog! Why don't you give it a shot? - Wes]
The crowd goes wild! After a long press briefing at Microsoft's E3 conference, fans were on their feet giving a roar of a approval. There is no doubt the star of the show was the announcement of being able to play Xbox classic games on your Xbox One hardware. I honestly was not expecting that announcement and was well taken aback by the ovation it received. But hey, with this excitement comes a chance to write about and revisit some classic Xbox games...a win-win for me!
The original Xbox was my favorite piece of hardware during the sixth console generation and had a ton of great games. Now in a twist, I'm not going to spend time talking about the Xbox greats or the cult classics that came from the black beast. I'm sure there are plenty of blogs, videos, and articles on that subject. Instead I thought it would be cool to scour my classic game shelves and play through exclusive Xbox games that I have completely forgotten about. The games we'll be looking at are by no means the best of X, but they do offer unique experiences that are exclusive to the Xbox brand...or PC. Microsoft is funny that way.
via destructoid http://ift.tt/2xb9BMt