Saturday, September 23, 2017

News:: Canada gets anime tourism commercial from Your Name creators

Last year marked the release of Your Name, one of the most successful anime films was released in Japan and worldwide, wowed audiences with stunningly beautiful animation and evoked many emotions within its viewers. Now, the creators of Your Name, renowned director Makoto Shinkai and the studio CoMix Wave, has now put their skills to work to promoting the beautiful sites of Canada.

The 31 second video seen above features a few locations of the country from: Vancouver, Toronto, Banff, Abraham Lake, Canadian Rockies, Nagara Falls. This tourism campaign is intended for the Japanese market, in cooperation with the Destination Canada, which is owned by the Canadian government. So the Canadian government and its people paid for anime to be created and that is something I don't think I would ever write or think ever in my lifetime.

This isn't the first time that Makoto Shinkai was involved in creating a commercial in his gorgeous anime style that I believe to be the progenitor to Your Name. The anime commercial was for a mail order cram school tutoring service, kinda like those "cram schools" that you see in anime where students get extra supplementary schoolwork but this one is done via the postal service.

The video is below for those interested to see just how someone like the Makoto Shinkai and his studio can make something very monotonous as schoolwork into something great with ridiculously pretty animation and music.

Via Reddit

Canada gets anime tourism commercial from Your Name creators screenshot

via destructoid