Wednesday, August 30, 2017

News:: Review: Retro Freak Premium game console

The SNES Classic pre-orders have come and gone and the dregs left behind without one will be forced to scramble wildly, clawing desperately at one another like a depiction of hell in a Hieronymus Bosch painting for the scraps. I don’t want to make any wild predictions, but shit’s gonna be hard to get, and just like last year with the NES Classic, renewed nostalgia is going to introduce a whole new wave of people to retro game collecting (not to mention put more money into the pockets of Raspberry Pi manufacturers.)

One of the most important features of just about any devices these days is the video output. RCA is dead, long live HDMI, and just about every new TV is either not going to take the input of old devices at all, or is going to make it a miserable experience. The resolution doesn’t upscale properly, so without proper (and expensive) equipment, if you try to play an old SNES on a new TV, you are likely gonna have a bad time.

The Retro Freak by Cyber Gadget is a very capable solution to playing a wide variety of different game cartridges adequately and with a few excellent features to make it a strong experience, and certainly the best of its kind among a very small group of competing products.

Review: Retro Freak Premium game console screenshot


via destructoid