[It's often been said that limitations help creativity. Well, I don't think there's any genre more limited than single-screen platformers! Pacario takes us on an old-school, no scrolling allowed trip down memory lane. Got a story to tell? You should write your own CBlog! ~Bass]
The platformer is among the most cherished of genres, and for many, probably synonymous with the medium itself. Indeed, when someone blurts out “video game” in random conversation, the scene of a squat, Mario-like sprite bounding along is likely the first image many imagine. And why not? From Contra to Mega Man, the genre dominated both the 8 and 16-bit eras, while Super Mario 64 came to define 3D gaming. Early 3D gaming, that is—by 2001, no one was talking Banjo or Spyro anymore, but Halo and Grand Theft Auto. The cultural zeitgeist had suddenly shifted in a radically new direction, one in which running and gunning were key. Jumping was so passé.
via destructoid http://ift.tt/2uWTNgN