Hey paisanos, it's the Super Commenter Hosts Super Show - Comments of the Week! We've been through six issues of this beloved feature now and are still sane from the process. Despite what people might think, there's a lot of work behind doing this feature. It made us appreciate all of the hard work done by the likes of Dreamweaver, Fuzunga, and others. Today you are joined by me, PlasticTree! I'm back again! Hope you didn't miss me too much, as I'm always there...watching, observing.
This week I've been given the pleasure of scouring the site for some E3-based comments, and others - I imagine it's been on all of our minds this past week, and you can't really escape this monster of an event where publishers are to free to pat each other on the back.
Let's get to it then!
via destructoid http://ift.tt/2rLQhQI