Wii Music is an embarrassing game. It was embarrassing when it was first demoed at E3, it was embarrassing when the people of the Today Show or Good Morning America played it on live TV and it is embarrassing as hell for me, a single guy in his 30s with neither kids nor young relatives nearby to play it with, to not only own such a game but to have pre-ordered it so he could have it day one. Wii Music is an abomination of a rhythm game, and quite honestly the Nintendo product I’ve ever purchased that forced me to think about what it is that qualifies something to be a "game." It’s lazy, one you can succeed in just by waving your hands wildly, and no other title in the past 10 years has put forth such clear evidence that Nintendo is one cheap-ass company than the music game that relies overwhelmingly on public domain tunes.
Wii Music is a complete embarrassment of a game, but I love it.
Last week, a tweet came across my feed with some guy complaining that GameStop employees were saying Yooka-Laylee was bad and blaming game critics. This was already after I had proposed this topic to the Destructoid writers, but the stupidity of it cemented the fact this is the right time to sing the praises of bad games we enjoy.
There really isn’t anything about Wii Music that I should like. I don’t like “Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star,” I don’t think “American Patrol” is a fun song to play on the tuba, and I certainly can think of five other George Michael songs I’d rather pretend to play than “Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go.” And yet, for more than 65 hours on my Wii, I played all three of those songs and every other included on the disc, and I had a goddamn blast doing so. I love pretending to use a turntable to play “September,” I smiled all the way through my rendition of “The Entertainer” using nothing but castanets and hand claps, and there was perhaps no more jubilant an experience to be found on the Wii than conducting an orchestra to play the theme song to The Legend of Zelda.
I could talk all day about how to improve it - *cough* more Nintendo and general gaming music tracks *cough* - and I am the first to admit that this a lousy game, but it’s a lousy game that I hold near and dear to my heart. I don’t care what the critics or the haters say, I love Wii Music and something tells me my fellow Destructoid writers have bad games they adore as well.
via destructoid http://ift.tt/2oB3niN