Friday, April 7, 2017

News:: Watch new footage from Ninja Theory's upcoming Hellblade

Game Informer has an exclusive on some new footage (watch a longer clip here) and developer interviews for Ninja Theory's (Enslaved: Odyssey to the West, DmC: Devil Mar Cry) upcoming PC and PS4 action game, Hellbade: Senua's Sacrifice.

I played a very early build almost two years ago and had a very interesting chat with Ninja Theory's Dominic Matthews about the game's interpretation of mental health issues, if you want to read that. Since then it's added a subtitle and a whole lot else, I'm sure. The game stars, "a Celtic warrior who's going on a vision quest into the viking heartland," and dealing with physical manifestations of her fractured psyche.

New Gameplay Shows Why Hellblade Isn't What You Think It Is [Game Informer]

Watch new footage from Ninja Theory's upcoming Hellblade screenshot

via destructoid