NieR: Automata director and all-around lovable scamp Yoko Taro is the latest subject of toco toco, a wonderful documentary series that interviews creators in and outside of the video game industry.
Since this episode debuted two days ago, I've started Automata, finished my first playthrough, and am now properly digging into it again -- a process I'll surely repeat at least a few more times. I knew it was going to be good, but as my first Yoko Taro game, I didn't expect to be quite so enthralled.
"Looking at AAA titles, of course I find them beautiful or interesting, but after 20 minutes of gameplay, I wonder whether it is going to be the same for the following 20 hours," he says. "I am a bit tired of this. If possible, I would like to make games that are unexpected, games that keep changing forms."
via destructoid