Even if you don’t like visual novels, I think you should give the Danganronpa games a look. If that’s the answer you came here looking for, and you want to go into the series completely unspoiled, you have my blessing to grab a copy of Danganronpa 1-2 Reload (the collection we’ll be looking at today) without reading the rest of the review. If you have even the slightest respect for story in video games, you’ll have a good time.
Consider that your “doctor’s letter.” Show that opening paragraph to your partner, your parent, or your banker -- whoever you need to ask for permission. If they look up the game and see a bunch of anime high school girls, tell them to relax. It’s okay, you can buy a visual novel with heavy anime influences, and I won’t look down on you. Since both of the core Danganronpa games are available on just about every platform (including the PSP), the franchise's chosen genre has become its greatest hurdle.
It sucks that, in this untamed post-genre video game landscape, I have to sit here and absolve the visual novel on the off chance someone will dismiss Danganronpa because it’s got a lot of reading -- but here we are! I’ve said before that every genre will have something you like, and I suspect that Danganronpa will fill that need for a lot of people. For my money, there hasn’t been a cast of characters this engaging since Mass Effect 2 – even if you don’t fully gel with Danganronpa’s mechanics, this is a story worth seeing.
via destructoid http://ift.tt/2oDOcDW