Man I'm just done with this "New" thing Nintendo. Is the "New" 3DS even new anymore? It's not, right? There's the New 3DS XL, and now the New 2DS XL. I know people have joked that the next move is the "New, New 3DS," which is something out of a Simpsons episode, but I'd believe it.
Following the announcement of the New 2DS XL, Square Enix and Nintendo prove that once again Japan gets all of the cool (new) stuff -- as they've unveiled a "Bubble Metal Slime New 2DS XL." It'll roll hard on July 29, priced at 22,480 Yen (which, based on my guestimate is around $205 with my no-look Google [it's $201.70]).
That makes it roughly $50 more than the standard model, but you'll get the physical edition of Dragon Quest XI, as well as a home menu theme for the Bubble Metal Slime. Oh and the hardware with one of the best designs in the history of portables. Seems worth it.
Dragon Quest [Nintendo]
via destructoid