Sometimes, long load times are forgivable. For games where the entire sandbox/level is on-boarded and I can screw around with it as long as I want, it's a small price to pay. I'll even lump in the infamous Metal Gear Solid 4 into that equation -- when a chapter was loading I'd go make a sandwich or something.
But for LEGO City Undercover, it wasn't nearly that easy. Every time you'd enter an indoor zone and re-enter the main hub, the game would load. And originally on Wii U that load time would last over a minute -- sadly on Switch it isn't much better.
Comparison tests have been hitting the web, and while everything is improved it's not ideal, especially since this thing is loading on a cartridge. Tests have shown that although load times have been cut by roughly 13 seconds on Switch, the game still frequently takes nearly a minute to load. As a note folks are reporting big load times on PS4 and Xbox One, so it seems to be related to optimization. Still, many were hoping the cart would win out. It does have co-op though!
via destructoid