Thursday, March 9, 2017

News:: Blizzard flip flops on the Ana nerf in Overwatch, takes away a big Zenyatta change

As we know, the PTR is a fickle thing, and so are the whims of users against the design intentions of a game's creators. Overwatch's team, even for Blizzard, is more open to suggestions from the community than the average project, and it seems like they backpedaled on a recent balance patch.

Ana was set to get a huge nerf across the board in an effort to have her be less dominate in both casual and pro play, but a lot of that has been pulled back. Her Biotic Rifle is still nerfed, but her impact damage/healing and Biotic Grenade are remaining untouched. Sadly, Zenyatta was also a victim of said revert efforts, as his Orb of Discord can no longer go through barriers.

Sombra on the other hand is getting another buff -- as teammates can now see healthpacks through walls that have been hacked.

Geoff Goodman []

Blizzard flip flops on the Ana nerf in Overwatch, takes away a big Zenyatta change screenshot

via destructoid