Saturday, January 21, 2017

News:: The Morning After: Weekend Edition

Letter from the Editor

It's official. Welcome to Trump's America, everybody.

And while there were plenty of eyes on the president-elect's questionable cabinet choices this past week, Obama still managed to make some headlines of his own. Among them was his decision to commute Chelsea Manning's prison term, which shaved 28 years off the original sentence she got for giving hundreds of thousands of classified documents to WikiLeaks. Chelsea's status as a transgender woman at a male prison -- and the dangers to her safety that entails -- doubtless was a prime motivator for the pardon. Still, the outgoing POTUS may have also hoped that Julian Assange, founder of WikiLeaks, will now make good on his promise to agree to US extradition if Manning was ever granted clemency. If it works out, it'll be quite the White Housewarming gift from one president to another.

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