Many years ago to promote Resident Evil 5, Capcom scattered "body parts" across London. Now, if you can't already see the issues here given that millions of folks don't know what Resident Evil even is, evidently Capcom had to issue a statement noting that many of the fake appendages were stolen. The kicker? They had been filled with chicken livers for "effect" and were dangerous to consume.
Now they're smartly going with a closed, controlled space, with "Resident Evil 7: The Experience," an event that will be held from January 20-23 in London. It's billed as a "45-minute immersive experience," which takes place in London's East End, and will see people playing the role of journalist interns investigating the disappearance of crew members. Puzzles, clues, and "interruptions" will happen along the way. It's also free, which is pretty rad, though it'll be a first come first serve type of thing.
via destructoid