Sunday, January 29, 2017

News:: Destructoid community interviews: NathanD

[This week's interview for the front page is for NathanD, who we can simply refer to as the resident Nier Automata and 2B enthusiast. Another regular on Qtoid over in the community section of our website. ~Strider]

Hey Destructoid, Welcome back to Community Interviews. I've finished hanging the ball-gags on the tree and I'm ready for the festive period. A time of togetherness and goodwill, I will be sitting on my own, watching Angela Mao movies. Before the holiday chaos commences I have another kewl Interview for y'all. So all that remains is for me to thank all you peeps for your ongoing support, and to sincerely wish all readers and Dtoid staff a very Merry Xmas and Happy Holidays!

Destructoid community interviews: NathanD screenshot


via destructoid