Monday, January 23, 2017

News:: The best Resident Evil 7 deals for Tuesday's release

Cheers, Resident Evil fans! Tomorrow's release is looking like it might turn out to a real treat. Early bird word from the critics looks fairly good thus far, and Dtoid's review pegs it at a rare 10/10. If all the review hype has you looking to pick up a copy, there are some decent incentives offered by both retailers and Capcom. Everything below is where you can find the best value for Resident Evil 7.

Best RE7 PC Discounts

PC gamers have two great options for a Steam key. GMG has a 20% discount slashing the price from $59.99 to $47.99, plus they're tossing in a bonus of 10 free Steam keys. For a cheaper method, head over to GamesPlanet. There the game is only £31.99, which translates to only $39.93 after the favorable currency exchange rate (you can use any major credit card or PayPal).

Both are authorized Capcom retailers, so you'll get your Steam key right away for pre-loading along with the pre-order bonuses. The pre-load has been live for some time now and you might want to hop to it if your bandwidth is limited. The game's install size is around 24GB.

Best Console Discounts

For the PS4 and Xbox One consoles, discounts are harder to come by. In order to catch one, you'll need either an Amazon Prime or a Best Buy Gamers Club Unlocked membership. If you pre-order or buy a lot of new games, these memberships will pay for themselves with the 20% discounts, but constitute more of an iffy prospect if you only want Resident Evil 7. Nevertheless, the 20% discount after membership does grant you a drop to $47.99 for either platform.

The best Resident Evil 7 deals for Tuesday's release screenshot

via destructoid