Friday, December 2, 2016

News:: Through the eyes of madness: Your avatar talks to me

[An avatar is a funny thing. For some people, it says something about their likes or interests. For others, it's an extension of their personality. Our resident Avatar Whisperer, ZombZ, hears the deepest and darkest secrets of avatars throughout the community. What does yours say? - weslikestacos]

Hello and welcome. It's community time!

This silly little blog deals with something I wanted to get off my chest for a long time. When I look at many of your avatars, I always imagine them literally talking to me. It's only by pure coincidence, if what an avatar says matches the personality of the user. Almost nothing here reflects my thoughts about the users, so don't take it personally.

Also, this is more a string of 50 comments than a proper, coherent blog. You have been warned.

Through the eyes of madness: Your avatar talks to me screenshot


via destructoid