Shinji Harano, who once headed Konami Europe, has accepted an executive position at Kojima Productions, according to his LinkedIn profile. Harano was previously employed as president of Konami Digital Entertainment for Konami's European and American divisions. His employment history shows that he is now listed as president for Kojima Productions, beginning in November 2016.
It's no secret that Hideo Kojima's split with Konami was less than amicable, and it appears that Harano may have suffered a similar fate within the company. Though he was previously the face of Konami and represented the company at industry events like E3, he apparently suffered a series of demotions, and his most recent employment before moving to Kojima Productions simply lists him as a Corporate Officer. His profile shows that he left Konami in March of 2016, not long after Hideo Kojima announced the formation of Kojima Productions in late 2015.
It's safe to assume Hirano and Kojima worked together at Konami, and there must be some mutual respect between them. Hirano will be assisting Kojima Productions with its first title, the bizarre, intriguing Death Stranding.
I'll tip my hat to the new constitution, take a bow for the new revolution. Smile and grin at the change all around. Same as yesterday.
Former Konami President, Shinji Hirano, becomes president at Kojima Productions [TheKoalition via The Escapist]
via destructoid