Sunday, December 11, 2016

News:: Ben Heck's Virtual Boy, part 2

The Ben Heck Show - Episode 266 - Ben Heck's Virtual Boy Part 2: Rebuild

Now that the Nintendo Virtual Boy has been torn down and we know how it operates, Ben and Karen get to work repurposing the console as a wearable virtual reality headset. To do so, Ben has to redesign the enclosure, which means it's time to bust out some vector graphics software. It's not all about 3D printing mounts and laser cutting, though. Karen steps in with her wearable know-how to help attach the Virtual Boy to the frame, allowing it to be mounted on your face. All designs encounter some flaws and problems, however, and this one is no different. What did you think of the build? And what else should the team turn into a wearable? Let us know over on the element14 Community.

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