Monday, October 17, 2016

News:: Square Enix's second Final Fantasy XIV Fanfest was full of passionate players

Final Fantasy XIV has been steadily growing since it's relaunch as "A Realm Reborn" in August of 2013. Before that it was a shell of a game, barely worthy of its core entry moniker. I even remember previewing the original XIV many E3s ago as an XI player, shaking my head during the demo and coming away disappointed.

A large reason for said rebound is due to the tenacity and likability of the game's producer Naoki Yoshida (commonly referred to as Yoshi-P), who was in attendance at the second Fanfest event this past weekend in Las Vegas. And outside of a few snafus, it went pretty well!

Square Enix's second Final Fantasy XIV Fanfest was full of passionate players screenshot


via destructoid