I'd be hard pressed to find a game I have more history with than Duke Nukem 3D.
Although there had been several projects before it that so heartily embraced the mod community, it was the first time I had really connected with that scene. I would go to swap meets and buy mods off of CDs, bring them home, and spend an entire summer afternoon playing over 100 levels. It was also the first LAN game I played in my home, having helped my family set up our network, after an uncle had gifted us a PC, a router, and CAT-5 cables.
And as I've mused before, to circumvent the parental lock, I used to uninstall the game, reinstall it, play with the lock off, then swap the password so my parents would think it's a glitch and restart the cycle anew.
Nostalgia and long-winded story aside, I'm glad Gearbox didn't half ass Duke Nukem 3D: 20th Anniversary Edition World Tour.
via destructoid http://ift.tt/2dNe6mc