Friday, October 28, 2016

News:: Let's go go back to Go Go Nippon for more romance

Wait, the original Go Go Nippon came out in 2011? I thought it came out in 2014. Guess that explains why there's no article of this on Destructoid. Well, if you never played Go Go Nippon and have any interest in Japan or visual novels, now's a great time to give it a go. The 2016 version will release on November 11 on Steam for $19.95 ($7.95 for the new content if you already own the base game) with tons of new content, including all the content added in the 2015 version. Wait, there was content released last year!? 

Those not familiar with the game and clicked on this article anyway might be surprised to find that this game is actually pretty good as far as visual novels go. I linked to Josh's review, but I also played it myself. You play as a foreigner studying Japanese who goes to Japan for a week to stay at his pen pals house. Those cool guys turn out to be cute girls, and well...yeah this is a romance game. 

Let's go go back to Go Go Nippon for more romance screenshot


via destructoid