Saturday, July 18, 2015

News::Kojima and Konami: 10 Theories Of How The Fallout Began

The Kojima/Konami scandal commenced on April 1st, when people poking around Konamis website realised Kojimas name had been omitted from its site. A cheeky April Fools? Maybe so, but the internet was soon awash with rumours that Kojima and Konami had fallen out. Over the last few months we have seen the saga develop, and most recently, Kojimas name, A Hideo Kojima Game has been removed from the MGS V cover, and rumoured that Kojima Productions has broken apart or to be re-branded. It will be more than likely that the situation will be revealed either just before, or just after the release of The Phantom Pain. Lets take a look at some logical and some, well mostly, outlandish theories.

via N4G: pc news feed