Tuesday, December 2, 2014

News::Game of Thrones Ep 1 - Iron from Ice - Game Informer

Geme Informer: "Telltale Games has a knack for killing beloved characters, seems intent on delivering experiences that fluctuate between doom and gloom, and has no problem feeding children to wolves. I cant think of a studio better fit to take on HBOs Game of Thrones, the popular television series based on George R. R. Martins A Song of Ice and Fire books. Telltales first foray into this dark fantasy world is just as thrilling, crushing, bloody, and unpredictable as the studios work on The Walking Dead series. In some cases its too similar to the ebb and flow of that zombie apocalypse, but the winds of winter are strongly felt in this first episode, giving fans of Martins work and its television adaptation another sliver of fiction to obsess over."

via N4G: pc news feed http://ift.tt/1rSu0K1