Tuesday, December 30, 2014

News::2014 recap: The 15 most popular posts on Destructoid this year

We post a lot of stuff here on Destructoid. News, reviews, opinion editorials -- you know the drill. Every now and then, a post will catch fire and get ridiculously popular. Sometimes it's a complete mystery as to why; sometimes it's very obvious (as is the case with number one on this list). Still, it's fun to look back at the end of the year and see what performed particularly well.

These are the 15 posts that performed best from a traffic standpoint in 2014. Because reviews are kind of in a league of their own, I've also included the top five toward the bottom. And, just for funsies, there are another five bonus posts that the staff enjoyed the most this year.

2014 recap: The 15 most popular posts on Destructoid this year screenshot


via destructoid http://www.destructoid.com/2014-recap-the-15-most-popular-posts-on-destructoid-this-year-285489.phtml