Saturday, November 22, 2014

News::This War of Mine Review - Gamespot

Gamespot: "An hour into This War of Mine, I keep thinking about that bit in The Last of Us where someone was somehow clear-headed enough in the middle of a war zone to scrawl "What happens when the food runs out?" on a concrete wall on a backed-up highway. It's a meaningless bit of background detail there. Here, its an all-consuming, panic attack-inducing source of primal fear. It's not a question a game about war ever asks, and when it shows the answer, it's never in as much emotional detail as its shown here. Even in a game like Spec Ops: The Line, which aims to measure the toll on the people fighting a war for too long, it's not a question you need to address, because there's only one way you can ever interact with the people in front of your gun. When the soldiers are miles away, when the smoke clears, and every home harbors the ghosts of innocent bystanders, how long do you have before basic humanity is nothing but background noise compared to the constant roar of a hungr...

via N4G: pc news feed