Saturday, November 22, 2014

News::Review: Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare - Ask Your Mum Gaming

Its hard to think that the Call of Duty franchise has been around for 11 years now. Or is it? It feels like the overly familiar first person shooter has been popping here, there and everywhere, especially since the launch of the Xbox 360. Odds are, if youre a gamer of most types, youll have picked up a COD game at some point in your life. So already Advanced Warfare has both a problem and a plus point. They say familiarity breeds contempt, and its certainly something that a lot of the internet seems to view with the COD series. But then, as a COD fan, you know exactly what youre getting when you sit down with the game and is the franchises constant double-edged sword. The real question everyone should be asking though is Whats different this time?

via N4G: pc news feed