Friday, November 7, 2014

News::Hardline 35: Majora's Mask 3DS, plural amiibo, and Paris smells like candy

[This episode of Hardline is sponsored by The Crew. We're giving away a silly amount of codes for this weekend's beta on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One right now. Claim yours here.]

It's been a while since Brett, Steven, and I have been in the same virtual room together to chat about games 'n' stuff so our reunion on this week's Hardline got out of control.

We talked about Majora's Mask for 3DS, amiibo (not amiibos), Game Boy Advances, The Witcher 3's free DLC, Steven's garbage- and candy-filled trip to Paris Games Week and Game Connection, and these culturally significant photos.

For the audio-only episode, you can subscribe on iTunes and RSS or download directly.

Hardline 35: Majora's Mask 3DS, plural amiibo, and Paris smells like candy screenshot

via destructoid