Sunday, July 27, 2014

News::MSNBC's Mika Calls Video Game Makers Just as 'Reprehensible' as Murderous Dictator

Complex: Yesterday we reported how former Panamanian dictator Manuel Noriega was filing a lawsuit against Call of Duty publisher, Activision. The suit claims that Activision is guilty of "blatant misuse, unlawful exploitation, and misappropriation for economic gain" by using Noriega's likeness with his permission. Considering that Noreiga is serving a 20 year sentence for murder and drug trafficking, the lawsuit is a quirky one-off news story that's more chuckle-worthy than anything else. That's where Mika Brzezinski and Joe Scarborough come in. The two MSNBC anchors took a moment from hosting Morning Joe to comment on the Noreiga lawsuit by chiming in with the sort of video game scapegoating normally reserved for AM radio call-in shows.

via N4G: pc news feed