Friday, July 18, 2014

News::Is Online Gaming Exploitative By Default?

EGMR writes: "Online gaming is an odd mix of profanity, threats and terrible stupidity mixed in with the odd courteous or friendly person. There are almost always players on the newest Call of Duty or Battlefield, and usually a few on less prominent multiplayer titles like The Last of Us or whatever Assassins Creed is newest. "Amongst these players, there always seems to be a few bad seeds examples being campers in corners and obscure alcoves in every first-person shooter ever, and the dreaded hackers who have modified their games to give them some advantage over other players. Its difficult to fathom why people enjoy playing the way they do in these instances; do these people enjoy ruining the game experience for others? Or is it a default behaviour in online games to try and exploit the system and other players as much as they can?"

via N4G: pc news feed