Wednesday, June 4, 2014

News::Xemness's Top Ten RPGs of the Last Fifteen Years

Xemness writes: "The RPG, also known as the Role Playing game, is the most immersive and expansive genre of the video games media. I love these kinds of games, and when I find one I really enjoy, I tend to forget the rest of my life for quite some time. You start playing at three in the afternoon, and then it is suddenly two in the morning. The glory of the RPG genre cannot be overstated, and it will always be my personal favorite type of video game. Im going to give you my top 10 favorite single player time sinks of the last fifteen years (as of 2014) to get lost in. For this list, I used only one game per franchise, and the single player campaign has to be the largest aspect of the game and the primary reason why it was purchased. So without any further delay, let the countdown begin!"

via N4G: pc news feed