Thursday, April 17, 2014

News::Wolfenstein: The New Order PAX East 2014 Hands on Preview // LevelSave

Austin Griffith, Reviews Manager at gets down and dirty with Bethesda's upcoming "Wolfenstein: The New Order," he writes: "What surprised me the most about Wolfenstein was its ability to completely draw me in and feel for a character within a short period of time. By the time I neared the end of my two hour demo, I already felt extremely extremely connected to these soldiers, so much so that when I was choiced with making a decision between killing one of my own men I had a hard time deciding which soldier to let go of. I felt like I knew these men personally and I was able to empathize with them more then I have been with any other game. I felt for this man, and for everything he had been through, and for once in a game there was an enemy that was easy to hate, because really, who doesnt hate Nazis?"

via N4G: pc news feed