Thursday, April 17, 2014

News::Review: Secrets of Rætikon A new angle on acute bird watching | LevelSave

Chris Writes: "While drafting this review I continually hit a wall in the form of the question How do you review a game that is all about secrets? Secrets, by their nature, are supposed to be hidden. So by explaining why Secrets of Rætikon is good I could easily ruin it. With that in mind, I have attempted to pen this review in a such a way as to withhold the secrets while also exploring the Secrets of Rætikon. Secrets of Rætikon places you in control of a man-bird-thing. You are dropped, quite literally, into The Alps and given no explanation. The only things that are immediately apparent is that you are in a beautiful world of triangles and you can press a button to flap your wings. Everything else is up to you to discover."

via N4G: pc news feed