Chad from We Got This Covered wrote: After finally developing a strong, albeit outlandish series identity with Saints Row: The Third, franchise creator Volition Inc. decided to capitalize with a quirky, thirty-dollar expansion called Enter the Dominatrix. However, the new experience, which was expected to sell separately at retail, ended up being partially cancelled. Now, it seems like the reason for that decision was that the developer thought its idea was a below average one and simply wanted to move on by taking ideas from the in-development project so that they could be used in the next numbered franchise sequel, Saints Row IV. However, at the time, it was simply said that the idea had outgrown itself, which also seems to have been true in hindsight. Still, Volition, which was recently acquired by Deep Silver, has given those of us who looked forward to playing the strangely titled add-on campaign a chance to do so through DLC means.
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via N4G: pc news feed