Sunday, September 22, 2013

News::The Wolf Among Us Hands-On Preview A New Take On Fairytales | C.O.G.

Allycat_ over at COG takes Telltales next game for a test run and finds that it looks and plays even better then their first episodic hit The Walking Dead. "I was a huge fan of Wolfs predecessor The Walking Dead that scooped up a bunch of Game of the Year accolades and launched the small studio into an even brighter gaming spotlight. With a great father figure/daughter relationship and a narrative that ruthlessly tore at the heartstrings, The Walking Dead proved that storyline can indeed trump fancy mechanics and still result in a great game. Telltale proved they know how to write a great story that puts the player right inside the character, and the choice-based narrative in difficult do-or-die situations had me questioning my own humanity at times. During good old PAX Prime in late August I got my hands on a 15-minute demo of The Wolf Among Us and I can now honestly say that I cannot wait for October to roll around."

via N4G: pc news feed