Friday, September 13, 2013

News::FPSGuru: PAX Prime - Rekoil Preview

FPSGuru, "The days of the old school shooter may be making a return. It's not always about killstreaks or having the highest level with the best equipment. Sometimes it's truly time to focus on getting in the game and just shooting up enemies without having to worry about someone on their third prestige. Rekoil is a FPS in development by Plastic Piranha that seeks to pit all players into the game starting with everything as balanced as possible. You won't have that extra advantage through killstreaks or be stuck with barely any weapons you want in the beginning. This isn't Battlefield where you won't start out with a defibrillator as a medic, cough cough. This is Rekoil where it's all about getting in and having fun."

via N4G: pc news feed