Thursday, August 29, 2013

News::How to survive PAX

[Pictured: a poor soul who barely made it out alive, holding the avatars of those who couldn't make it at all.]

PAX is wonderful. But it's also a downright daunting experience for newcomers and veterans alike. I don't know a single person who just "goes to PAX." It requires planning. It causes stress. For example, I got my haircut last week, and the haircut lady told me I should look into special shampoo for thinning hair. Because of PAX!

OK, so maybe that's just because I'm 31 and almost dead, but still. This shit is stressful. Luckily, I've been through this a couple times now, and I've got a couple quick tips for getting the most bang for your buck.

How to survive PAX screenshot


via destructoid