Monday, July 22, 2013

News::I recommend World War Blue, the console wars manga

WHAT!? Manga!? On my Destructoid homepage!? What is this, Japanator!?

Checking the shelves at Barnes & Noble this weekend, I happened upon a manga I had never heard called World War Blue. It caught my interest, so I flipped it over to read the synopsis on the back. To my delight, I learned that it was an adaptation of the videogame console wars -- I'm talking the real console wars between Nintendo and Sega, not the wishy-washy excuse for competition we have in today's market. I of course bought it immediately.

The deal is, there's a war on the continent of Consume between the Ninteldo Empire and the Segua Kingdom, with the former having gained control of 90% of the land. The hero in this tale is a Seguan named Gear, a blue-haired youth with supersonic speed. He joins the Segua Army and forms a strike team with characters based off of popular games: Opal, an archer with a shoulder plate that resembles Fantasy Zone's Opa-Opa; Nel, Gear's longtime friend who wields a claw like Phantasy Star's Nei; and Tejirov, a non-Seguan mercenary with a penchant for puzzles and things in groups of four. And naturally, the enemy Ninteldo leader is Flame Emperor Marcus, a mustachioed man who rides atop a ferocious dinosaur.

I recommend World War Blue, the console wars manga screenshot


via destructoid