Monday, July 22, 2013

News::Female Vampire wins Tekken Revolution character poll

Remember that poll that would decide the next brand new character in the Tekken franchise? Well it looks like we have a winner -- the Female Vampire. Right behind her were the "Female Tekken Force" character, and Shin Kamiya, followed by the Zombie Bride (the latter of which could have had a really cool fighting style).

The Female Vampire will being production shortly, and eventually, she'll end up in the free-to-play Tekken Revolution. I'm eager to see how she plays, so expect some sort of impressions near her release.

Harada also joked that "Muscle Pac-Man" could have been an option for the poll, but executives at Namco nixed the idea. Nuts!

Female Vampire wins Tekken Revolution character poll screenshot


via destructoid