Saturday, July 27, 2013

News::Corsual's Age of Wulin Kung-Fu Tournament

Corsual's EXP writes: "Following an entire week of Age of Wulin LiveGuides on Corsual, we celebrate the conclusion of this epic adventure in sandbox gaming with an official Corsual Kung-Fu Tournament. After some amazing battles, Scholar Goldy and Emei Lichtspiel battle it out in the finals with Goldy taking the win and earning 2 free Corsual Coins. Afterwards, we brawl for a bit, set up a bonus tourney, and finish the show with another Corsual Coins Friday giveaway: this week, 3x monthly VIP passes go up for grabs, compliments of Webzen. Though there are many contenders, viewers Zuleyus, Rockapanter and DarkSoulvamp take the wins. Watch the VOD here for some of the coolest combat Age of Wulin has to offer:"

via N4G: pc news feed