Sunday, June 30, 2013

News::In Murdered: Soul Suspect, death is only the beginning | GamingTrend Preview

GamingTrend writes: 'Amidst the hustle and bustle of E3, the lasers and explosions, the never-ceasing dubstep wobble bass, was a singular booth that seemed to buck all of those trends. This was one that took a much more calculated, methodical approach to its demo. There were no large-scale firefights or destructible buildings; instead, what we saw was a game that hearkens back to the glory days of Gabriel Knight, Police Quest, and other mature old-school point-and-click adventure games. But this wasnt featured off in the corner of some indie booth, relegated to niche audience awareness this was featured prominently inside Square Enixs massive booth space. This is Murdered: Soul Suspect.'

via N4G: pc news feed