Monday, May 20, 2013

News::Killzone: Mercenary is the FPS the Vita has been needing

The PlayStation Vita is a great system with a slowly increasing library of great titles. The exception being in the first-person shooter genre, that is.

You'd think that after one of these big game companies made a handheld with two joysticks that there would be a bigger incentive to create more first-person experiences. Instead, we've gotten only a few first-person shooters to date: Resistance: Burning Skies was a joke, and Call of Duty: Black Ops: Declassified was an insult.

I recently went hands-on with Killzone: Mercenary for the Vita, and based on what I saw, it could finally be the FPS the Vita has been so badly needing. It's hard to say this early on if it's a must-own, but my early impressions are at least far more favorable compared to the previous two disasters.

Killzone: Mercenary is the FPS the Vita has been needing screenshot


via destructoid