Saturday, April 6, 2013

News::MTV Multiplayer - GDC 2013: Kirkin' and Spockin' - Hands-on with Star Trek: The Video Game

MTV Multiplayer - Play as Kirk. Play as Spock. Those are the selling points behind the upcoming "Star Trek: The Video Game" from Digital Extremes and Paramount. During the filming of the 2009 movie, the development team got together and decided to pursue an immersive Star Trek video game experience, and they are certainly doing that here by heaping tons of fan service into this title. You can mind meld. You can Vulcan neck pinch. You can find Tribbles. You can flirt with girls as Captain Kirk. You can watch Redshirts die. You can shoot phasers, tricord, beam. Just about everything you would expect to run around and do if you ever found yourself aboard the actual Enterprise.

via N4G: pc news feed