Monday, April 1, 2013

News::Battlefield 4: Four Ways to Restore Recon

"By now, you have most likely seen the explosive and beautifully detailed Battlefield 4 reveal trailer. While the action-packed footage was entertaining, my focus remained set on Battlefields true focus: multiplayer. Having been a fan of the series since the debut of Battlefield 1942 over a decade ago, I've come to know and love the ever-developing formula of this popular competitive FPS. That doesn't mean Im completely satisfied with DICEs modifications over the years though. The most recent entry, Battlefield 3, left a majority of Recon players unhappy. DICE attempted to take the lone wolf sniper and make him/her the most team-oriented player on the field, but the result was the complete castration of the class. Here are some ways that Battlefield 4 can return the sniper to its former glory." - JPS

via N4G: pc news feed