Sunday, March 3, 2013

News::Dread space: Why space sims scare me more than zombies

[For his Bloggers Wanted essay response, Destructoid community blogger TriplZer0 explains why the vast emptiness of space scares him more than jump scares ever could. Want to see your own words appear on the front page? Go write something! --Mr Andy Dixon]

Resident Evil and Dead Space aren't horror.

Now that I've got your attention, let me clarify that statement. Sure, those games are often classified as "survival horror," but they don't represent horror to me, and it has nothing to do with the more action-oriented flavor those series have adopted recently.

So what games do I consider truly scary? Oh, I dunno... How about ones that send you hurtling through the endless void of deep space? I'm talking about space sims. That's right, games like Freelancer and Tachyon: The Fringe terrify me more than any zombie ever could.

Dread space: Why space sims scare me more than zombies screenshot


via destructoid