Sunday, February 10, 2013

News::Review: Dead Space 3 |

Reviewer Leo Stevenson writes, "Ive had a love affair with survival horror games ever since I first played Resident Evil on my PSone. Over time, that franchise has moved farther and farther away from survival horror; Resident Evil 5 & 6 arguably arent horror games at all. Then came the Dead Space series, which stepped up to become the new face of gaming horror when the original was released. Dead Space 2, while thrilling and certainly featuring its share of scares, never quite lived up to the terror of the first. Now with the third in the series hitting store shelves, Dead Space is beginning to experience the law of diminishing returns. Dead Space 3, while ambitious, never quite achieves the same fear, thrilling action and engaging story of its predecessors. A great game is tucked away inside the code, but never gets a chance to shine, overshadowed by a bloated, overlong narrative, tedious combat and characters that are unsympathetic, have questionable motivations or exist as mer...

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