Sunday, February 10, 2013

News::Like a Boss... Or Not - An Exploration of the Age-Old Boss Battle - AusGamers

AusGamers takes an in-depth look at the place of the age-old boss battle in games today and asks whether or not they should exist, or merely be updated. From the feature: "Team ICO avoided this pitfall by making bosses the focal point of their game, Shadow of the Colossus. Instead of making end-of-level bosses, the bosses were the levels. Colossus turned the boss-player dynamic on its head with its premise: the only way Wander can bring back his lady love is to slay these magnificent beasts. And yet the game refuses to do anything but affirm their majestic beauty. Watching these ancient giants crumble and shrink into the darkness puts the player in a unique headspace: sympathy for the devil..."

via N4G: pc news feed