We could always use more rad pixel art driven games, no matter how much a lot of people push back on them. Back in 2016 the Wizard of Legend project launched on Kickstarter to accomplish just that, and after just one month the project was fully funded and then some.
Fast-forward to 2018 and they're delivering on their campaign in just under two years on just about every platform there is, including Switch, added in November of 2017, back when the game was originally estimated to launch.
Humble, the game's distributor, informed Destructoid that the game hit number two in the Steam Global Sales Charts at launch, and was number five on the US Switch eShop. As it turn sout Dale North, Destructoid's former EIC, also worked on the soundtrack for the game, so there's your big disclaimer there!
via destructoid https://www.destructoid.com/wizard-of-legend-is-out-on-basically-every-platform-including-switch-503418.phtml